# First, we'll make a vector to play with
<- c("rosalind", "marie", "barbara") names
Data Wrangling Basics
Data Wrangling Day 1
What is data wrangling?
Data wrangling, manipulation, or cleaning is the process of transforming data into a format that is more suitable for analysis. This can include removing missing values, changing the format of data, or combining multiple datasets.
There’s rarely a single way to approach any given data-wrangling problem! Expanding your “toolkit” allows you to tackle problems from different angles.
Objectives of Data Wrangling: Class 1
Be comfortable subsetting vectors and dataframes using both base R and tidyverse functions
Understand what tidy data is and what it looks like
Understand piping basics
Before you begin wrangling data, you should be able to:
Define how you want the data to look and why
Document it well so that others (and future you!) know what you did
Know what tools you have and how to use them
Building a toolkit
Working with vectors
Pulling out specific parts of a data set is important when analyzing with R. Indexing, or accessing elements, subsets data based on numeric positions in a vector. You may remember this from the first class. Some things to be aware of when indexing:
Indexing uses brackets. i.e. the 5th element in a vector will be returned if you run
.It’s helpful for getting several elements at once, or reordering data.
Here are some examples:
# if we print the output, we'd get:
[1] "rosalind" "marie" "barbara"
# If we want to access the first name, we can use brackets and the position of the name in the vector:
1] names[
[1] "rosalind"
# This works with any position, for example the third name:
3] names[
[1] "barbara"
# You can index more than one position at a time too:
c(1,2)] names[
[1] "rosalind" "marie"
# Changing the order of numbers you supply changes the order of names returned
c(2,1)] names[
[1] "marie" "rosalind"
Working with data frames
This works for two-dimensional structures too, like data frames and matrices. We’d just format it as: dataframe[row,column]
. Let’s try it out:
# Make a data frame
<- data.frame(
df name = c("Rosalind Franklin", "Marie Curie", "Barbara McClintock", "Ada Lovelace", "Dorothy Hodgkin",
"Lise Meitner", "Grace Hopper", "Chien-Shiung Wu", "Gerty Cori", "Katherine Johnson"),
field = c("DNA X-ray crystallography", "Radioactivity", "Genetics", "Computer Programming", "X-ray Crystallography",
"Nuclear Physics", "Computer Programming", "Experimental Physics", "Biochemistry", "Orbital Mechanics"),
school = c("Cambridge", "Sorbonne", "Cornell", "University of London", "Oxford",
"University of Berlin", "Yale", "Princeton", "Washington University", "West Virginia University"),
date_of_birth = c("1920-07-25", "1867-11-07", "1902-06-16", "1815-12-10", "1910-05-12",
"1878-11-07", "1906-12-09", "1912-05-31", "1896-08-15", "1918-08-26"),
working_region = c("Western Europe", "Western Europe", "North America", "Western Europe", "Western Europe", "Western Europe", "North America", "North America", "North America", "North America")
# To get the first row:
1,] df[
name field school date_of_birth
1 Rosalind Franklin DNA X-ray crystallography Cambridge 1920-07-25
1 Western Europe
# or the first column:
1] df[,
[1] "Rosalind Franklin" "Marie Curie" "Barbara McClintock"
[4] "Ada Lovelace" "Dorothy Hodgkin" "Lise Meitner"
[7] "Grace Hopper" "Chien-Shiung Wu" "Gerty Cori"
[10] "Katherine Johnson"
# for specific cells:
2,3] df[
[1] "Sorbonne"
# We can use the column name instead of numbers:
2,"school"] df[
[1] "Sorbonne"
# We can do the same thing by using a dollar sign:
$name df
[1] "Rosalind Franklin" "Marie Curie" "Barbara McClintock"
[4] "Ada Lovelace" "Dorothy Hodgkin" "Lise Meitner"
[7] "Grace Hopper" "Chien-Shiung Wu" "Gerty Cori"
[10] "Katherine Johnson"
# We can also give a list of columns
# which return in the order provided
c("school","name")] df[,
school name
1 Cambridge Rosalind Franklin
2 Sorbonne Marie Curie
3 Cornell Barbara McClintock
4 University of London Ada Lovelace
5 Oxford Dorothy Hodgkin
6 University of Berlin Lise Meitner
7 Yale Grace Hopper
8 Princeton Chien-Shiung Wu
9 Washington University Gerty Cori
10 West Virginia University Katherine Johnson
Standard data formats and Tidy
That data, and most two-dimensional data sets (data frames, matrices, etc.) is often organized the similarly:
Each variable is its own column
Each observation is its own row
Each value is a single cell.
This follows the tidy data style, an approach to handling data in R that aims to be clear and readable.
The bundle of tidy-associated packages is called the tidyverse
, and it’s a 🔥 hot-topic 🔥 in the R world. In fact, ggplot
is a package that you have already used that is part of the tidyverse
! Most data wrangling problems can be solved with tidy
or base (default) R functions. This can lead to some headaches for beginners, as there are multiple ways to accomplish the same thing!
One of the most popular tidyverse
packages, dplyr
, offers a suite of helpful and readable functions for data manipulation. Let’s get started with how it can help you see your data:
- The library is already synchronized with the lockfile.
::glimpse(df) dplyr
Rows: 10
Columns: 5
$ name <chr> "Rosalind Franklin", "Marie Curie", "Barbara McClintock…
$ field <chr> "DNA X-ray crystallography", "Radioactivity", "Genetics…
$ school <chr> "Cambridge", "Sorbonne", "Cornell", "University of Lond…
$ date_of_birth <chr> "1920-07-25", "1867-11-07", "1902-06-16", "1815-12-10",…
$ working_region <chr> "Western Europe", "Western Europe", "North America", "W…
With the glimpse
function we see that this is a data frame with 3 observations and 3 variables. We can also see the type of each variable and the first few values.
functions have a lot in common:
The first argument is always a data frame
The following arguments typically specify which columns to operate on, using the variable names (without quotes)
The output is always a new data frame
The dplyr
package has a set of functions that are used to manipulate data frames (you may see these referred to as “verbs”, and it may also be helpful to think of them as verbs performing an action on your dataframe). These functions can either act on rows (e.g. filter
out specific rows by some condition) or columns (e.g. select
columns XYZ). There are also functions for working with groups (e.g. group rows by what values they have in a column with group_by
The most important verbs that operate on rows of a dataset are filter()
, which changes which rows are present without changing their order, and arrange()
, which changes the order of the rows without changing which are present. Both functions only affect the rows, and the columns are left unchanged. We’ll also discuss distinct()
which finds rows with unique values but unlike arrange()
and filter()
it can also optionally modify the columns.
More information about functions like this can be found here.
There are four important verbs that affect the columns without changing the rows: mutate()
creates new columns that are derived from the existing columns, select()
changes which columns are present, rename()
changes the names of the columns, and relocate()
changes the positions of the columns.
More information about functions like this can be found here.
allows you to create groups using more than one variable.
works on grouped objects and allows you to calculate a single summary statistic, reducing the data frame to have a single row for each group.
The slice
family of functions allows you to extract specific rows within each group
More information about functions like this can be found here.
verbs work great as a team!
Although these were basic examples, hopefully you feel a little more confident about working with vectors, and data frames using dplyr
verbs to clean and manipulate data. Happy Wrangling!
Functions on functions
An introduction to pipes
Data scientists often want to make many changes to their data at one time. Typically, this means using more than one function at once. However, the way we’ve been writing our scripts so far would make for some very confusing looking code.
For example, let’s use dplyr
functions to perform two operations on our data set of scientists: filter for those born after 1900 and then arrange them by date of birth.
Here we first filter and then arrange. Note that we are creating an intermediate variable in between the steps.
# Filtering for scientists born after 1900
<- filter(df, as.Date(date_of_birth) > as.Date("1900-01-01"))
# Arranging the filtered data by date of birth
<- arrange(filtered_data, date_of_birth) arranged_data
We can do the same thing without creating an intermediate variable. It’s more compact but can start to get confusing if we add more functions.
<- arrange(filter(df, as.Date(date_of_birth) > as.Date("1900-01-01")), date_of_birth) arranged_data
The pipe operator, |>
, is a tool that can help make the script more readable. It allows us to pass the result of one function directly into the next. Think of it as saying, “and then..”
Let’s dissect our goal: filter for those born after 1900 and then arrange them by date of birth.
is doing the filter for… part
is doing the arrange them… part
and the pipe, |>
, is going to do the and then… part.
# Using pipes
<- df |>
arranged_data filter(as.Date(date_of_birth) > as.Date("1900-01-01")) |>
Once you’re comfortable with this style, you should be able to read it as: Take data
and then filter
by DoB and then arrange
by DoB. This helps keep our code both clean and readable.
There are two pipe operators: |>
and %>%
. They work almost the exact same way. %>%
is from the magrittr
package and was the only way to pipe before version R 4.1.0. You may see %>%
more frequently in code from previous lab members.
The Placeholder operator allows more control over where the LHS
(left hand side) is placed into the RHS
(right hand side) of the pipe operator.
uses .
as its placeholder operator. In addition to this, you may use .
multiple times on the RHS
3 %>% head(x = letters, n = .)
[1] "a" "b" "c"
3 %>% sum(2, ., .)
[1] 8
uses _
as its placeholder operator. However, the _
placeholder must only be used once and the argument must be named
3 |> head(x = letters, n = _)
[1] "a" "b" "c"
#3 |> sum(2, _)#| #| #| #|
#add3 <- function(x, y, z) x + y + z
#3 |> add3(2, y = _, z = _)
can take a function name on the RHS
%>% head letters
[1] "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f"
for |>
must be a function with ()
#letters |> head
|> head() letters
[1] "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f"
can take expressions in curly braces {}
<- 10
x 5 %>% {x + .}
[1] 15
must have a function call on RHS
#x <- 10
#5 |> {x + _}
5 |> {function(y) x + y}()
[1] 15
To summarize, %>%
is slightly more lenient than |>
when it comes to the Placeholder operator, the Right Hand Side (RHS) and Anonymous functions.
Case Study Introduction
Just reading about ways to manipulate data can be hard to understand without an application. Since this course is geared towards biomedical sciences, we thought you might find it easier if we work through an actual research data set.
For this example, we have some data from an experiment that measured the proportions of different cell times within mouse cardiac tissue. These samples are from treatment vs. control and WT (wild type) vs. mutant.
What are some things that we, as researchers, would want to know about our data?
- Did the experiment work?
Check your controls or expected features!
- Do we see differences between our experimental groups?
To get at these questions, we need to be able to manipulate our data into the formats needed to check those features and for plotting. To start, lets take a look at how the results are structured before we start planning how to do the processing.
Getting familiar with the data
options(digits = 3)
# Load the data. The sample IDs were stored as the first row, so lets make those the row.names
<- read.csv("data/wrangling-files/cellProportions.csv",
cell_props row.names = 1)
Cardiomyocytes Fibroblast Endothelial.Cells Macrophage
whole_2 0.652 0.0886 0.06700 0.1761
fraction_13 0.824 0.0370 0.06387 0.0692
fraction_12 0.895 0.0213 0.04436 0.0390
fraction_19 0.000 0.9983 0.00167 0.0000
fraction_18 0.000 1.0000 0.00000 0.0000
whole_16 0.820 0.0208 0.08889 0.0501
whole_2 0.01672
fraction_13 0.00558
fraction_12 0.00000
fraction_19 0.00000
fraction_18 0.00000
whole_16 0.02058
samples are our controls. They are supposed to be almost completely one single cell type. They’re just here to make sure we accurately measured cell type proportions.
samples are our test samples. They’re from the treatment/control mice, which you’d expect to have a range of cell types.
Analysis Goals
For next class, you should brainstorm some ideas for how to approach the analysis. Try to consider these angles:
- What do we want to know about this data set?
- What kind of visuals would we want to make to check that?
- What would the data need to look like to get those visuals?
- How does the data look now?
- Which functions might we use to get the data from its current state to what we need for plotting?
In the beginning of next class, we’ll chat about what ideas you had!
(Ambitious students who want to try before then will also need the phenotype data located at data/wrangling-files/cellPhenotypes.csv